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Science at Dobwalls School, focuses on providing high-quality education based on understanding the world we live in. Science is a vital part of the world’s future and so it is essential all pupils are taught aspects of knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. Through building up a foundational knowledge and understanding of key concepts, pupils will be encouraged to recognise links between learning and develop a sense of curiosity about our diverse planet and natural phenomena.

The aim of Science is for the children to: acquire knowledge and understanding of the world we live in, to ‘think like a scientist’ and what this looks like and be able to be hands-on, engaging in purposeful challenges and investigations.

The national curriculum for science aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
  • Develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them
  • Are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future

Wall display of children's science work


  • The curriculum is overseen by a science co-ordinator, who works alongside the leadership team and teaching staff to monitor, evaluate and review science teaching and learning across the school, as well as share and celebrate good practice.
  • We use the National Curriculum objectives as outlined by the government and adapt these to suit our spiral curriculum which is centred around the scientific concepts and SECRET skills across key stage one and two.
  • The SECRET skills are interwoven throughout lessons to develop our character education in conjunction with concepts, knowledge and skills.
  •  We tailor the learning to suit the class and individual needs and integrate the learning into our topic focus each term. Teaching is adapted to meet the needs of children with SEND.
  • The concepts used within science are: Evolution, Chemistry, Ecosystems, Energy, Forces and Living things (cells).
  • The teaching, learning and sequencing of science will follow a weekly curriculum approach to ensure coverage and progression, but also incorporates a whole school focus once a year during March celebrating British Science Week.
  • Where possible, science lessons make links to other subjects such as Geography, English and Maths.
  • Each class teacher uses their expertise and experience and knowledge of their pupils to plan the progression of lessons based on the concept focus for the term, the intended skills as well as focusing on the knowledge base.
  • The working scientifically aspect is incorporated into each unit of work dependent on the programme of study.
  • Continuous professional development and teaching resources are offered to teachers on a yearly basis through the SMART day as well as on numerous occasions throughout the year where in-school workshops and staff meetings are utilised to establish up-to-date staff subject knowledge, as well as distribute teaching and pupil resources to support inclusive and challenging teaching.


Science long term overview at Dobwalls 

Concepts Overview

Science inquiry and working scientifically progression - Dobwalls

Knowledge Organisers:

As part of our quality science teaching, we use knowledge organisers to support the development of children’s vocabulary and understanding, as well as map out the knowledge and skills needed to master a concept. See each year groups below:

Year 6 Science Knowledge Organisers

Year 5 Science Knowledge Organisers

Year 4 Science Knowledge Organisers

Year 3 Science Knowledge Organisers

Year 2 Science Knowledge Organisers

Year 1 Science Knowledge Organisers

To support the implementation of effective working scientifically skills across the school, we have knowledge organisers which are as follows:

Year 1 Year 2 Working Scientifically Skills

Year 3 Year 4 Working Scientifically Skills

Year 5 Year 6 Working Scientficially Skills


By the end of Year 6, every pupil at Dobwalls School will have had the opportunity to engage in and lead a range of scientific experiments and investigations to broaden and deepen their knowledge of science, as well as start to ‘think like a scientist’. They will become more resilient and independent learners as they plan, do and review an experiment on their own or as part of a group, and apply their prior knowledge to make connections between the learning of scientific concepts which focus on the world we live in. The outdoor classroom will be utilised regularly throughout science lessons and parents and the wider community will support science learning. Finally, pupils will have an awareness of the scientific career opportunities and pathways available to them, and will leave Dobwalls School with the science skills and knowledge they need to succeed in further education.


Throughout the school year we utilise opportunities to extend pupils’ knowledge and understanding through visitors, school trips and interschool challenges and science shows.

During the past year we have participated in National British Science week focused on our diverse planet, had two visits from an Explorer Dome, have begun to plant and grow our own vegetables and pupils have visited Wheel Martyn to learn about energy.

British Science Week:

This year each class chose an aspect of ‘our diverse planet’ to learn about. The morning started with an assembly with scientific demonstrations illustrating how clouds work as well as volcanoes. Then children spent time in their classes making models, creating posters, digging and planting outside as well as creating artwork. It was a great time celebrating the amazingly, diverse planet where we live.

Planetarium Visit to School:

Class 4 and 5 had the fantastic experience of learning about the Solar system inside an inflatable dome, which visited school last year. As part of the ‘Earth and Beyond’ topic, pupils learned about the Earth, Moon and Sun – the importance of these and how these change throughout the day - as well as learning about gravity, stars and the concept of infinite space.

SMART Academy Links:

As part of the SMART Academy, Dobwalls School are continuing to develop strong links with the science staff at secondary schools in the multi-academy trust, so far this has given us the opportunity to promote, collaborate and celebrate science with Liskeard School and Community College pupils. Staff are beginning to work closely together which is supporting CPD, ensuring there is a clear link between Year 6 transition to Year 7 and the expectation and knowledge gained in primary school, as well as share teaching resources and equipment. Through this collaboration, pupils have visited the secondary school on numerous occasions to watch and participate in science demonstrations as well as attend masterclasses led by the secondary school practitioners.

Science Week 14th - 18th June 2021:

The whole school took part in a science week to develop children's skills in working scientifically using the working scientifically knowledge organisers.  The week kicked off with exciting outdoor assemblies.  Following these, each class took part in a range of investigations across every afternoon of the week.  So much super scientific learning!

Year One Homework:

Children and parents worked together to create boats that could float, be waterproof and hold ten lego bricks!