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  • 13/12/23

    Rocksteady Concert

    On Wednesday 13th December, we were entertained by our excellent Rocksteady Bands. The bravery every single child displayed to stand up in front of a very large audience of nearly 250 people was truly amazing. Each and every child playing made us all so proud. Thank you to all the parents and carers...
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  • 13/12/23

    Christmas Singing Club Carol Singing

    On Tuesday 12th December, our Christmas Singing Club had a wonderful time singing around Dobwalls.  Many festive favourites were sung beautifully, including Jingle Bells, We Three Kings, The 12 Days of Christmas, Rocking Around the Christmas Tree and more!   Many thanks to...
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  • 13/12/23

    Little Cherries Pop Up Play

    On Tuesday 12th December, we had another super Little Cherries Pop Up Play session. Lots of festive fun!  These sessions are open to any parents or carers with children aged 0 - 5 years old not attending school.  A time to come along, play have a cuppa and meet some of the staff at scho...
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  • 27/11/23

    Assembly - How maths comes to life in the future!

    On Monday 27th November, we welcomed Michael an Airline Pilot for Jet 2 and Martin an Engineer for Rolls Royce into our assembly. It was so inspiring to hear them talk about their careers and specifically the maths they use every day. They use the three times tables, speeds, calculating, weight, che...
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  • 20/11/23

    Healthy Cornwall Visit - teeth

    On Friday 17th November, Healthy Cornwall visited our Reception, Year One and Year Two classes so that they could learn about oral hygiene. They discussed why brushing is so important and the class was able to practice their technique on a giant set of teeth! They also spoke about how the foods...
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  • 17/11/23

    Children in Need

    On Friday 17th November, Dobwalls became spotacular for BBC Children in Need.  Our children were absolutely amazing with their spotty baking!  We had so many delicious cakes, buns, biscuits and more. They were absolutely delicious and enjoyed at break time.  We have raised approxim...
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  • 15/11/23

    Times Table Parent/Carers

    On Wednesday 15th November, Tamar Class  (Year 4) had a great time welcoming and sharing their learning of times tables with their parents/carers.  Many games were shared to help children learn their times tables at home. The children really put their adults to the times table tests...
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  • 14/11/23

    Toasty Tuesday for Charity

    On Tuesday 14th November, we held a Toasty Tuesday morning snack to raise money for charity.  The charity has been chosen by the whole school and led by the School Council with today raising £65!  Wow! Great work Dobwalls School Council. 
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  • 13/11/23

    National Anti-Bullying Week

    On Monday 13th November, we joined in with anti-bullying week and Odd Socks Day. Mrs Pipe led an assembly with the whole school talking about what bullying is and compared it to banter.  We watched a video from the anti-bullying alliance and reminded ourselves of our school Diamond Rules...
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  • 11/11/23

    Fowey Class - Books and Biscuits!

    On Thursday 9th November, it was a pleasure for Fowey Class to welcome so many parents/carers to share their love of reading.  Mrs Orchard led a session talking about reading and RWI, the children enjoyed reading with their grown ups and the session was finished with Mrs Orchard reading a super...
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  • 07/11/23

    Fowey Class Visit Truro Museum

    On Friday 3rd November, Fowey Class climbed aboard a bus to travel to Truro Museum.  It was a wonderful experience with so many saying they had never been to a building likeit - it's beautiful.   They took part in a “Toys from the past” workshop. They expl...
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  • 01/11/23

    Year 4 Ukulele Lessons

    This term, Year 4 are learning to play the ukulele weekly on a Wednesday with Mrs Butlin. They are sounding fantastic and busy learning a range of notes and songs.  We can't wait for their performances!
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