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SMART Trust Poetry Slam

Since May half-term, our whole school has been immersed in poetry and every child has written a wonderful poem based around the theme, 2our world, our thriving future'.

On Monday 1st July, a brilliant afternoon took place at our SMART Trust Poetry Slam in Liskeard Town Hall. The high quality performed across our three primary schools.  The children displayed their SECRET skills excellently to perform the poems either as individuals, small groups or whole class. 

Huge well done to everyone involved. Thank you to the Liskeard Poets for all their help along the way.

Our poems will be published in an anthology for all to read; we can't wait! 

Here's a few examples of our writing ....


This is the future

We made wars,

We killed animals,

We killed all in our way,

This was the past.

We cut down trees,

All vivid and vibrant,

We were killing ourselves,

This was the past.

All cars would kill,

Human and animal alike,

Fossil fuel stations killing us awhile,

This was the past.

There is hope,

We live in peace,

We live in harmony,

This is the future.

We’ve made a new car,

A reliable one,

One that is safe for us and animals,

This is the future.

We look after our animals,

We’ve set our pets free,

None have gone extinct since 2030.

This is the future,

This isn’t the past.

By Bill, age 11, Dobwalls



Nature, nature

Nature, nature you are grand,

Nature, nature I understand,

They are chopping you down,

To make yet another town.


All of the green grass that once shone,

Makes way for humans, all but gone,

Our glowing orb is getting hot,

Like boiling water in a pot.


The grass is now hay,

Nature the one to pay,

Endangered animals under fire,

As the population of humans rises higher.


As the greenery attempts to spread,

With a single chop and all is dead,

Replanting re-growing there is still a chance,

Life is restored as the trees sway and dance.


Nature, nature you are grand,

Nature, nature I understand,

They are trying their best,

But for now, there’s no time to rest.

 By Maggie, age 11, Dobwalls




When I’m sad my eyes could fill the seven seas with tears,

A murky, brown puddle on a warm day could easily match my body,

It feels like I’m dragging heavy, lead weights through space,

The pale moon on a dark, cloudy night is the same colour as my face,

All the loneliness in my heart could fill the milky way.


By Barnaby, age 9, Dobwalls



In Cornwall with a beautiful sea,

It’s the most gorgeous place to be,

With dark sand,

And colourful land,

It’s a joyful place to be free.

Alfie, age 7, Dobwalls



In Looe where you get yummy food,

There are seagulls who are very rude,

The golden sea does glisten,

You just have to listen,

It’s the place to put you in a good mood.

Cornwall where the lovely sunsets,

Busy people on the beach,

Tourists driving all around,

Swimming in the ice-cold water.


Freya- Rose, age 8, Dobwalls