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Health and Wellbeing Week

Tuesday 4th June - Friday 7th June saw our annual health and well-being week at Dobwalls.  Such an important week when all classes took part in a range of important subjects to develop children's understanding across a range of life skills to keep one and all safe. 

So many brilliant discussions and learning took place through a range of activities from drama, role play, artwork, reading, poster making, scenario discussions and so much more!

 Children spent time thinking about the important of our memory garden, learning about online safety, electrical safety, road safety, fire safety, beach safety and more!  We also spent time thinking about needs and wants linking to the UN Convention of Rights and our Rights Respecting Bronze Award. 

Children in Years 5 and 6 had a super visit from Callywith College, Bodmin who taught them about possible career pathways and higher education options.  Such a brilliant workshop. 

Well done one and all!